Virtual Training to Facilitate Peer Support Circles (PSCs)
NOTE: Because of a shortage of trainers, we have suspended the free training until we have more personnel.
Design of This Training
We want to spread peer support circles to help as many people as possible. That includes helping as many people to start and facilitate them. This training focuses especially on the most important "nuts and bolts" to facilitate a highly focused support group with maximum participation of members. Members from your groups would benefit from this training, too. All will learn skills useful in any conversations in life and work.
First Prepare
The training starts with about one hour of self-directed, online preparation, including:

- 4-minute video How a Peer Support Circle Works.
- 4-minute video Overview of Facilitating Peer Support Circles.
- FAQ section About Support Groups
- FAQ section About the PSC Process
- FAQ section About Membership
- FAQ section About Facilitating
- Brief quiz Test Your Knowledge of Peer Support Circles (PSCs)
Then Arrange the PSC Experience With Us
Contact us via email. We will work with you to schedule the 90-minute virtual PSC experience. Ideally, we'd have at least four people in the experience, including others who are interested.
Before the experience, be sure to do all of the above steps in the preparation, including to download the Quick Reference and the Facilitator Talking Points. We'll review the tools with you during the experience.
Thank you!
"... generously shared insights, expertise, and materials to help me design a virtual peer coaching program that was later funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation." – Pam Toal, Certified Coach, Baraka Institute.
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